+1 929 294 7236


Neurosurgery & Neurology Medical Billing Services

Optimize your practice with our comprehensive services in Revenue Cycle Management and Medical Billing.
MedExpress ensures your practice thrives by delivering complete coding and billing support. Our adept billing team takes charge, managing everything from claim preparation and submission to efficiently handling rejections and denials, all at no extra cost to you.

Stress-Free Medical Billing Solutions: Elevate Your Practice with MedExpress

MedExpress is dedicated to alleviating the stress that neurologists and neurosurgeons often face in their demanding roles. Highly trained medical practitioners shouldn’t have to leave the profession due to overwhelming paperwork and administrative burdens. That’s why we step in, providing comprehensive billing and revenue cycle management services. Our customizable solutions allow you to tailor the support you need, ensuring you can focus on patient care while we handle the intricacies of administration.

Navigating Neurology and Neurosurgery Billing: Tackling Complexities Head-On

Neurosurgery and neurology demand precision in medical billing due to intricate coding intricacies. Specialized neurology and neurosurgery billing services, like ours, are crucial for practices seeking accuracy and efficiency. Complexities in these specialties require a dedicated focus, making outsourcing to experts a strategic solution for streamlined operations.

Tailored Billing and Coding Excellence for Neurosurgery and Neurology

Neurosurgery and neurology demand specialized billing expertise, and our dedicated team ensures compliance with HIPAA best practices, ensuring the utmost patient privacy in our services. Experience transparent and streamlined Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) services tailored to enhance your practice, keeping you well-informed every step of the way.

Collaborative Care: Juggling Providers for Optimal Health

Patient care in neurosurgery often involves a collaborative approach with multiple practitioners, including neurologists, oncologists, infectious disease specialists, and more. Understanding the roles of each professional is crucial for accurate billing and streamlined healthcare coordination.

Surgical Services Worldwide

Global surgery packages aim to streamline medical billing by consolidating charges for surgery and related care. Despite the simplification, not all surgeries fit this package, requiring billers to identify excluded components and bill them separately using appropriate modifiers for medical necessity. Each claim for a single surgery holds significant value, emphasizing the importance of accurate reimbursement.

Shortchanging Payments by Leaving Out Services

Surgery involves various individuals from different entities, making it prone to overlooking the coding for services provided by each, leading to substantial revenue losses. Over time, this cumulative impact can jeopardize the financial stability of the practice. Our neurology billing and coding services ensure accurate billing for all services, preventing potential revenue loss.

Boost Your Bottom Line and Reclaim Your Time with MedExpress's Expertise in Revenue Growth

Mastery in Revenue Cycle Optimization (RCM) Services

Beyond comprehensive billing solutions, we provide an array of tailored neurology practice management and RCM services. MedExpress offers a fully adaptable suite, encompassing payer credentialing, annual payer adjustments and payback, compliance reviews, AR management (including old AR recovery), and more. With a team trained in HIPAA best practices, ensuring patient privacy, and certified, experienced coders and billers specializing in neurosurgery and neurology billing services, we simplify your practice operations. Contact us today at +1 929 294 7236, and discover how effortlessly you can optimize reimbursements and streamline your practice.

Persistently Pursuing Unsettled Claims for Your Peace of Mind

Our comprehensive strategy for neurology and neurosurgery billing tackles common claim denials by meticulously decoding explanations and rectifying claims for resubmission. With our state-of-the-art software seamlessly integrated into the entire revenue cycle, from appointment scheduling to payment collection, we ensure efficient management and accurate coding. Our commitment is to track each claim persistently, making necessary adjustments until successful reimbursement, eliminating any downtime.


How does your neurosurgery and neurology billing service handle billing for telemedicine and remote consultations?
Our neurosurgery and neurology billing services seamlessly integrate billing for telemedicine and remote consultations into the workflow. We ensure accurate coding for virtual visits, staying in compliance with evolving healthcare regulations and reimbursement policies.
Can your neurosurgery and neurology billing services assist in managing pre-authorization requirements for advanced neurosurgical and neurological procedures?

Yes, our billing services assist in navigating the complexities of pre-authorization for advanced neurosurgical and neurological procedures. We work closely with healthcare providers to gather and submit the necessary documentation, ensuring a streamlined process and reducing the risk of claim denials.

How do your neurosurgery and neurology billing services manage billing for neuromodulation therapies and implantable devices?
Our billing services specialize in handling billing complexities associated with neuromodulation therapies and implantable devices. We ensure accurate coding for procedures involving neurostimulators and other implantable devices, optimizing reimbursement for neurosurgery and neurology practices offering these advanced treatments.
Can your neurosurgery and neurology billing services assist in implementing coding practices for neurophysiological monitoring?
Absolutely. Our billing services are well-versed in implementing coding practices for neurophysiological monitoring. We ensure accurate documentation and coding for procedures such as EEG and EMG studies, optimizing reimbursement for neurosurgery and neurology practices involved in neurophysiological monitoring.
How does your neurosurgery and neurology billing service manage billing for comprehensive stroke care and rehabilitation services?
Our billing services specialize in billing for comprehensive stroke care and rehabilitation services. We ensure accurate documentation and coding for services related to stroke management and neurorehabilitation, optimizing reimbursement for neurosurgery and neurology practices involved in comprehensive stroke care.