+1 929 294 7236



MedExpress is committed to enhancing the efficiency of your RCM system like never before.
At MedExpress, our core commitment is to deliver exceptional and reliable medical billing services tailored specifically for ophthalmology. Our billing team consists of experienced ophthalmology professionals dedicated to ensuring prompt and optimal reimbursements for our clients.

Diverse Array of Services

Ophthalmology medical billing, akin to billing in any medical domain, is intricate. The complexity lies not only in the intricate codes, demanding a thorough understanding of the practice alongside coding and billing comprehension, but also in the annual changes to these codes. Moreover, insurers and government payers frequently modify their policies, and coverage regulations may differ based on the state.

Overburdened Medical Team Struggling to Keep Pace

The constant changes make it challenging for the busy medical staff to stay abreast of the latest billing guidelines. Outsourcing to a proficient medical billing company, such as MedExpress, has demonstrated significant success for practices of various sizes. Given that our ophthalmology medical billing services solely concentrate on revenue cycle management (RCM) and are not clinical, we can effectively stay updated on billing and coding changes.

Three Compelling Reasons to Delegate Ophthalmology Billing

MedExpress recognizes the complexity of medical codes, and staying updated on changes is challenging for individual billers. We offer an innovative approach to billing and coding at MedExpress, boasting a certified and experienced staff specializing in ophthalmology insurance billing. In-house billing processes can be disrupted if a staff member falls ill or faces an emergency, but our substantial team ensures seamless continuity, with a backup ready to step in when needed.

Specific Modifiers

Modifiers in ophthalmology billing are essential additions to basic medical billing codes, indicating whether both eyes were impacted or specifying left or right. The inclusion of a modifier is necessary when a minor procedure coincides with an office visit on the same day. Additionally, billers and coders must possess expertise in coding for multiple procedures performed in the same setting, among other considerations.

Grouped Codes

Frequently, charges for services are consolidated into bundles, streamlining coding. However, this necessitates medical billers and coders to have an understanding of the contents of each bundle, as physicians may occasionally deem additional items necessary or substitutions required. Proper documentation of additions and exceptions is crucial for billers, as failure to do so may lead to payers deeming the services as unnecessary, resulting in rejection.

Various Insurers and Payers

Ophthalmology services may be covered by insurance companies, as well as by Medicare/Medicaid; however, billers at MedExpress need to be vigilant about which entities to bill. Prior to submitting a bill to MedExpress, our billers ensure that no other insurance options are overlooked, including a spouse’s employer plan, Railroad Retirement, coverage from certain unions, VA benefits, and even the consideration of injuries covered by no-fault insurance.

MedExpress Provides Comprehensive Ophthalmology Billing Collection and Practice Management

MedExpress delivers extensive ophthalmology billing collection and practice management services, ensuring streamlined financial operations and optimal healthcare administration. Our comprehensive solutions are designed to enhance the overall effectiveness of ophthalmology practices, providing a foundation for efficient and successful medical billing.

We Provide a Comprehensive Range of RCM Services

Providing a comprehensive suite of RCM services tailored specifically for ophthalmology billing, our medical billing service is among our most sought-after offerings. By relieving in-house staff of coding and billing responsibilities, we not only boost revenue for your ophthalmology practice but also foster a less stressful work environment. Delegating the responsibility of claim filing to our billing service leads to increased reimbursement, improved cash flow, and minimized revenue loss.


How does your ophthalmology billing service handle coding for specialized procedures such as retinal surgeries, corneal transplants, and refractive surgeries?
Our ophthalmology billing services specialize in handling coding for a variety of specialized procedures, including retinal surgeries, corneal transplants, and refractive surgeries. We ensure accurate coding and documentation for these advanced procedures, optimizing reimbursement for ophthalmic practices offering specialized eye care services.
Can your ophthalmology billing services assist in navigating the intricacies of billing for diagnostic imaging services, including optical coherence tomography (OCT) and fluorescein angiography?
Yes, our billing services assist in navigating the intricacies of billing for diagnostic imaging services in ophthalmology, including optical coherence tomography (OCT) and fluorescein angiography. We work closely with healthcare providers to ensure proper documentation, accurate coding, and submission of claims for advanced diagnostic tests.
How do your ophthalmology billing services manage coordination with optical shops and suppliers for billing of eyeglasses, contact lenses, and other vision aids?
Our ophthalmology billing services actively coordinate with optical shops and suppliers for billing of eyeglasses, contact lenses, and other vision aids. We ensure accurate documentation, coding, and communication between ophthalmic practices and suppliers, optimizing the billing workflow for vision-related products and services.
Can your ophthalmology billing services assist in implementing coding practices for telemedicine consultations and virtual follow-up appointments in the field of ophthalmology?
Absolutely. Our ophthalmology billing services are well-versed in implementing coding practices for telemedicine consultations and virtual follow-up appointments in the field of ophthalmology. We ensure accurate coding for virtual ophthalmic consultations, staying in compliance with evolving healthcare regulations and reimbursement policies.
How does your ophthalmology billing service handle billing for elective procedures and cosmetic ophthalmic services?
Our ophthalmology billing services actively handle billing for elective procedures and cosmetic ophthalmic services. We ensure accurate documentation, coding, and coordination with patients, optimizing the billing process for ophthalmic practices offering elective and cosmetic eye care services.