+1 929 294 7236



Comprehensive Revenue Optimization Services Tailored to Your Needs
For an Efficient Pathology Billing Process, MedExpress’s seasoned billing experts offer hands-on experience in claims recovery. Our comprehensive, user-friendly billing services drive financial performance and foster growth.

Essential Expertise Required for Effective Pathology Billing

Unique billing demands pose challenges for pathology practices, groups, and labs. To effectively process and recover claims, billing and coding professionals must possess thorough expertise in pathology sub-specialties, along with up-to-date familiarity with billing guidelines and CPT code updates for pathology services. As scrutiny intensifies and regulations on laboratory billing practices tighten, clinical pathology labs must adopt rigorous compliance measures in line with evolving laws.

Performance-Driven Payment System Rewards

Traversing the intricate terrain of federal and commercial guidelines is formidable, yet the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) poses an even greater challenge. Dictating Medicare payments based on scores in four performance categories—Quality, Cost, Improvement Activities (IA), and Promoting Interoperability (PI)—MIPS demands meticulous attention. To evade payment cuts in 2020 and secure the maximum incentive, pathology labs must adeptly report on six Quality measures and up to two IA measures.

Benefits of Our Cutting-Edge Pathology Billing Solution

Our advanced pathology billing solution offers a range of advantages. It streamlines billing, ensuring accuracy and compliance with evolving regulations. By improving efficiency, it helps practices optimize revenue while reducing administrative burdens.

PathologyPro: Expert RCM for Reduced Stress and Enhanced Revenue

PathologyPro offers top-notch revenue cycle management, minimizing stress for pathology practices while optimizing revenue streams. Our expert team ensures comprehensive support, allowing you to focus on patient care with the confidence that your billing is in capable hands.

Effectively Handling Documentation and Reporting Challenges

Securing the future revenue cycle management of your lab hinges on precise documentation and accurate reporting. Adapting both front-office and back-office procedures is crucial for optimizing reimbursement from various payers. With many insurance networks narrowing and pathology labs often considered out-of-network, the challenges intensify. Furthermore, health insurers impose stricter benefit limitations. While coverage might be beyond your control, proactive eligibility verification before services can help prevent denied claims and collection issues.

Streamlined Claim Success for Enhanced Reimbursement

In the midst of numerous challenges, the timely processing and reporting of samples are crucial for successful medical claims and achieving higher reimbursement rates. The intricate regulations and reporting demands often lead to delays and missed payments. For pathology labs, navigating these hurdles can significantly impact business outcomes. However, with support from a committed team of laboratory billing professionals and analysts, regaining control becomes possible.

We Manage Every Facet of Pathology Medical Billing and Coding with Expertise and Precision

Running a Practice Demands Your Attention

Optimizing revenue and ensuring efficient operations, our dedicated team at MedExpress specializes in handling the intricacies of pathology billing services with precision and expertise. We conduct assertive follow-ups on claims and efficiently recover revenue from aged accounts receivable.

Sustaining Your Lab's Profitability

MedExpress offers thorough pathology billing solutions that proactively identify and resolve compliance, regulatory, and reporting challenges, ensuring your lab's sustained profitability and reduced operational expenses. With a focus on submitting precise and timely claims, our certified medical billing experts, specialized in pathology, expedite reimbursement cycles and optimize your profitability.


What specialized pathology billing services do you offer for laboratories and pathology practices?
Our pathology billing services cover a comprehensive range of solutions tailored to the unique needs of laboratories and pathology practices. This includes accurate coding for diagnostic tests, claims submission, payment posting, denial management, and compliance with pathology-specific billing requirements.
How does your pathology billing service handle the intricacies of coding for a diverse range of diagnostic tests and procedures?
Our billing service employs experienced coders who specialize in pathology coding. We are well-versed in the latest CPT and ICD-10 codes related to various diagnostic tests and procedures. This expertise ensures precise coding, minimizing errors and facilitating accurate reimbursement for pathology practices.
Can your pathology billing services adapt to changes in coding guidelines and regulations?
Yes, our pathology billing services stay abreast of changes in coding guidelines and regulations specific to pathology. We actively monitor updates from industry authorities and adjust our processes to ensure compliance with the latest standards, minimizing the risk of billing errors and denials.
How do your pathology billing services address insurance claims and denials for complex diagnostic cases?
Our pathology billing services include a robust denial management system. In the event of claims denials, our team conducts thorough reviews, identifies root causes, and implements corrective actions. This proactive approach minimizes future denials, optimizing the revenue cycle for pathology practices dealing with complex diagnostic cases.
Can your pathology billing services assist in improving the overall financial performance of our pathology laboratory?
Absolutely. Our pathology billing services are designed not only to ensure accurate billing and reimbursement but also to optimize the overall financial performance of pathology laboratories. Through efficient claims processing, denial management, and compliance adherence, we aim to enhance the financial health of your pathology practice, allowing you to focus on providing quality diagnostic services.